The Guyana Development Initiative, a road to shared prosperity
Since 2019, the Porter Development Initiative has been at the forefront of an impactful partnership, dedicated to supporting Guyana's transformative development agenda. In the wake of Guyana's oil and gas discoveries, our mission has centered on working with the Government of Guyana to help leverage this historic opportunity into shared prosperity and sustainable growth for the country.
A Strategy for Peruvian Competitiveness
PDI embarked on a strategic initiative to help redefine Peru's economic landscape. Through a high-level assessment, the firm analyzed Peru's competitiveness on both national and regional fronts.
The New Carolina Initiative
The New Carolina Initiative outlined the cluster vision of development for the State of South Carolina and the various task forces established to improve the business environment of the region. We examined key cluster initiatives, highlighting their advantages and maintaining the cluster vision as a priority for the New Carolina Initiative and the 10-year strategic planning effort initiated by then-Governor Nikki Haley. The project showcased the organizational challenges of building a competitiveness initiative, emphasizing the critical importance of engagement from both private and public sector representatives, and provided strategic approaches for the construction of the initiative.

Building Shared Prosperity and Competitive Advantage

At the PDI Consulting, we envision a world where businesses thrive by contributing positively to the communities that surround them. Through our deep expertise, dedicated work and innovative strategies, we aim to enhance the overall competitiveness and wellbeing of societies by driving sustainable economic growth.

Projects Completed
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Areas of Work

Competitiveness and Economic Development

Building national and regional competitive advantages.

Business Strategy

Shaping and implementing strategies that empower our clients – across all industries.

Industry and Business Clusters

Leveraging public and private sector action to boost local industry performance and innovation.

Creating Shared Value

Aligning the power of business with social and environmental progress.


Institutional Design for the Coffee Industry of El Salvador

Cluster Development Initiative for the Petrochemical Industry of Cartagena

Building a National Value Proposition for Competitiveness in Mongolia

What can we help you achieve?

What can we help you achieve?

“Companies are now starting to understand that solutions to social problems represent the largest opportunities for businesses today.”

Professor Michael E. Porter
