Creating Shared Value

Our strategic focus extends to fostering sustainable economic growth for our clients and their communities. By aligning growth initiatives with market opportunities and societal needs, we facilitate a holistic development approach that yields long-term benefits and drives progressive economic expansion.

Aligning Purpose with Strategy

Shared Value Creation Opportunities

Shared Value Creation aligns the power of business with social progress. Our strategies are designed to help clients innovate products and services that meet societal needs by redefining business models that generate both economic and social value.

Reconceiving Products and Markets

At PDI, we guide organizations to forge deeper connections between societal benefits and economic performance. Our strategic insights help clients develop innovative products and services that cater to societal needs, tapping into the potential of underserved markets.

This approach not only serves public needs but also creates new opportunities for company growth and innovation.

Redefining Productivity in the Value Chain

We believe in enhancing a company’s competitive advantage by utilizing resources differently. Moving past traditional efficiency measures, we focus on refining the entire value chain with the entire value chain to create economic and social impact. Our strategies aim to optimize resource usage, and implement sustainable practices that elevate productivity and competitiveness simultaneously.

Improving the Local and Regional Business Environment

Recognizing the interdependence of companies and their operational ecosystems, PDI focuses on strengthening the business environment and sectors on which a company depends. By developing suppliers, service providers, and infrastructure, we help businesses enhance their productivity and innovation.

Creating Shared Value

Success Stories

Cluster Development (17 cluster initiatives) and Shared Value Program for Bogotá

Southern Agricultural Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) initiative

Culiacán Regional Council of Competitiveness

Contact Us

What can we help you achieve?

Areas of Work

Competitiveness and Economic Development

Building national and regional competitive advantages.

Business Strategy

Shaping and implementing strategies that empower our clients – across all industries.

Industry and Business Clusters

Leveraging public and private sector action to boost local industry performance and innovation.

Creating Shared Value

Aligning the power of business with social and environmental progress.
